
Zen-therapy™ Institute

Welcome to the official Zen-therapy™ website

Mindfulnesstherapy™ stresscoach / samtaleterapeut uddannelse (Dansk, Svensk og Norsk) 

Distance Learning in Zen-therapy™

You get a certificate as a Zen-therapy™ practitioner and Zen-therapy™ teacher
You get a certificate as a Master of Mindful Motivation - MMMot®
You get a certificate as a Mindfulnesstherapy™ Stresscoach / counselor 
You get a right to use all Zen-therapy™ and Mindfulnesstherapy™ logo
You get a insight in ZEN and MINDFULNESS
​What Zen-therapy™ is basically for: So, we must always, in every session, be alert for the chance to create a magic moment.
How you can understand and influence behavior
How to help your clients let go of the struggle and face life
How to help your clients step back and keep their thoughts a little light
How you help your clients out of their confusion
How you work with compassion towards both client and therapist
How you help your clients discover what they really want out of life
How you set a direction for your conversations
How you translate values ​​into concrete, persistent goals together with the client
How you work with what in Zen-therapy™ is called "Zazen"
​How you present yourself and set the framework so that you get off to a good start in your conversations
How you structure and build your conversations
How to end your conversations
How you ensure that the conversations become lively and dynamic
What to do when things don't quite go as expected

Has conversation or counseling as a tool. Perhaps you are a psychologist, doctor, coach, dietician, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse or work in another way with people.
Would like to show you vulnerable, compassionate and authentic and who brings yourself and your unique personality into play in your conversations. 
Have the courage to step outside your comfort zone, ask questions and practice new skills - even if you don't feel like an expert.